Wittelsbacherplatz 1 97074 Würzburg
Room: 00.119Tel.: +49 931 31 84851 christoph.ratz@uni-wuerzburg.de
Here you can find all of our employees
Current informations about our chair you will find here: "Neues aus G"
Dr. Manuela Hölzer sek-gbpaed@uni-wuerzburg.de Petra Popp sopaed4-sek2@uni-wuerzburg.de
Room 00.118
Tel.: +49 931 31 89136Fax.: +49 931 31 891360
Tuesday 2.00 pm -3:30 pm Wednesday 10:00 am -11:30 amThursday 10:00 am -11:30 am
Interested persons and students find here more informations and materials to the studies.
Here you can find all employees of the chair of Special Education IV
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Here you can find all informations about the Lernwerstatt.
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