The objective of STARKE STIMME macht SCHULE is a substantial contribution to maintaining healthy vocal performances in future special needs teachers. There are many risk factors for developing a voice disorder in teachers, for example the neglect of mandatory preventive interventions during teacher training (Lemke 2012, Puchalla et al. 2013, Meuret 2017, Ohlsson et al. 2019). Studies show the probability of experiencing voice disorders is higher for teachers who showed vocal problems as a teacher student (de Jong et al. 2006, Kooijman et al. 2006, Ohlsson et al. 2012). These assertions consequently call for the sustainable implementation of voice prevention programs during teacher training (Hammann 2004, Lemke et al. 2006, Voigt-Zimmermann 2010, Lemke 2012, 2020; Nusseck et al. 2019). The results of studies trying to assess the effectiveness of voice prevention in student teachers are heterogeneous (Duffy & Hazlett 2004, Timmermans et al. 2011, Ohlsson et al. 2016). Evaluation of long-term preventive outcomes is therefore a major concern of research. To contribute, a longitudinal study aims to assess the voice prevention program STARKE STIMME macht SCHULE.
Project duration: running since 2016
Project leader: Dr. Anne Jurkutat
Project members: Kathrin Heeg, Regina Götz, Dr. Fabian Kraus, André Grandl
Jurkutat, A., Götz, R., Heeg, K., Kraus, F., Grandl, A. & Hansen D.M. (2021). Prävention von Stimmstörungen im Lehramtsstudium – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Konzeptimplementierung im Studienverlaufsplan. Logos. Advanced online publication.