Caterina Verganti

PhD Student
E-mail: | |
Address: | Oswald-Külpe-Weg 84, 97074 Würzburg |
Room: | 84.02.108 |
Department of Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. Italy
Research field:
Developmental Psychology
Research topic:
“Early markers of language-learning impairments in preterm and full-term infants”
Title doctoral thesis:
“Gestures to understand early language delays across different populations”
01/2022 - 12/2022 | 2nd level Master degree in “Learning Impairment and other neurodevelopmental disorders: assessment and treatment in typical and atypical contexts”. “G. d’Annunzio” – University of Chieti – Pescara (Italy). |
09/2022 - 12/2022 | Internship in Clinical Neuropsychology. “SOS Dislessia SRL” – Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna (Italy). |
11/2021 - 11/2022 | Professional internship in Developmental Psychology. “Developmental Psychology Lab” and SERES (Clinical Service for Developmental Risk and Delays and Education and School Problems) – Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (Italy) in collaboration with the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, IRCCS AOU Bologna (Italy). |
06/2022 - 09/2022 | Collaboration agreement Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy). |
05/2022 | Visiting scholar. “SprachSpielLabor” – Paderborn University (Germany). |
03/2022 - 05/2022 | Visiting scholar. “Lab for Communication and Language” – Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg (Germany). |
09/2019 - 11/2021 | Master degree in “Neurosciences and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation”. Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Italy). |
09/2016 - 06/2019 | Bachelor degree in “Psychological Science”. University of Padua (Italy). |
09/2018 - 03/2019 | Internship in Clinical Psychology. Mental Health Centre (CSM), West – AUSL Bologna (Italy). |
Articles (*peer reviewed)
*Verganti, C., Suttora, C., Zuccarini, M., Aceti, A., Corvaglia, L., Bello, A., Caselli, M.C., Guarini, A., Sansavini, A. (2024). Lexical skills and gesture use: A comparison between expressive and receptive/expressive late talkers. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 148. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2024.104711
Verganti C., Suttora C., Frank V., Zuccarini M., Graziosi V., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Lüke C., Sansavini A., Guarini A. (2024). Preterm and full-term infants’ pointing and its relationship with caregivers’ pointing. Poster accepted at XVI International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Prague (Czech Republic), 15-19 July.
Graziosi V., Suttora C., Gorini C., Zuccarini M., Verganti C., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Guarini A., Sansavini A. (2024). Relationship between vocal production and sitting acquisition in 6-month-old preterm infants. Oral presentation accepted at XXIV ICIS Congress, Glasgow (Scotland), 8-11 July.
Graziosi V., Calignano G., Lunghi M., Suttora C., Verganti C., Zuccarini M., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Guarini A., Valenza E., Sansavini A., Di Giorgio E. (2023). Comprensione linguistica precoce in nati pretermine ad alto rischio e nati a termine: analisi dei movimenti oculari e pupillometria. Oral presentation at XXXV National Congress AIP Sezione Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione, Foggia (Italy), 25-27 September.
Verganti C., Suttora C., Zuccarini M., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Bello A., Guarini A., Sansavini A. (2023). Lexical skills and spontaneous gestures: A comparison between receptive-expressive and expressive late talkers. Poster accepted at European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Turku (Finland), 28 August-1 September.
Verganti C., Suttora C., Zuccarini M., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Bello A., Caselli M.C., Guarini A., Sansavini A. (2023). Lexicon and gestures in expressive and receptive-expressive late talkers. Poster accepted at CLASTA conference XIII edition, Pescara, 19-20 May.
Verganti C., Frey N., Sansavini A., Lüke C. (2023). Gesture use in late talking and typically developing children during picture naming. Oral presentation at 1st International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM), Barcelona (Spain), 26-28 April.
Zuccarini M., Guarini A., Suttora C., Gibertoni D., Verganti C., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Bello A., Caselli M.C., Sansavini A. (2022). Language profiles in low-risk preterm and full-term late talkers. Oral presentation in symposium, XXX Congresso AIP, Padua (Italy), 27-30 September.
Verganti C., Suttora C., Zuccarini M., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Bello A., Caselli M.C., Guarini A., Sansavini A. (2022). Lexical comprehension and production and cognitive skills in low-risk preterm and full-term Late Talkers. Oral presentation at Second Workshop on Early Language in NEUROdevelopmental Disorders (NeuroD-WELL), Lisbon (Portugal), 29 August.
Zuccarini M., Guarini A., Suttora C., Gibertoni D., Verganti C., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Bello A., Caselli M.C., Sansavini A. (2022). Language profiles of low-risk preterm and full-term late talkers. Poster presented at the XXIII International Conference of Infant Studies, Ottawa (Canada), 7-10 July.
Verganti C., Suttora C., Zuccarini M., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Bello A., Guarini A., Sansavini A. (2022). Noun and predicate comprehension and production and relationships with lexical and cognitive skills in low-risk preterm and full-term late talkers. Poster presented at CLASTA conference XII Edition, Florence, 13-14 May.
Graziosi V., Suttora C., Gorini C., Zuccarini M., Verganti C., Aceti A., Corvaglia L., Guarini A., Sansavini A. (2022). Vocal development and emerging sitting in 6-month-old high-risk preterm infants: are they related? Poster presented at CLASTA conference XII Edition, Florence (Italy), 13-14 May.