Research & Projects
On these pages you will find an overview of the research and the current projects of the Chair:
1. Research in the context of emotional and behavioural disorders
- Pedagogical conditions for success and effect of aestetic education on people in socially difficult constellations (WaeBi)
- Socioemotional development with ladders of learning (SeEle)
- Special school and inclusion – an analysis of the state of inclusive school development
- Thinking at the edge
- Symbols - court yards with metaphoric depiction
- Educational and employment biographies in the context of mental stress - participation, barriers, prevention
2. Research in the context of work and profession
- Evaluation of harmonized education plans regarding vocational training in sheltered workshops (EVABI)
- Transitions in the context of profession and work – Uncertainty for (young) people with psychological stress
- Successful transitions to life and profession
- Network vocational schools Mainfranken
- Dropout in vocational training
- Inclusive vocational training in Bavaria (IBB)
- Digital learning of people with visual impairmants in vocational reintegration (DigiSeB)
- Corona and vocational training
3. Projects and cooperations
- Publications of the Chair
- Doctorade- and habilitation projects
- Global systems and intercultural competences (GSIK)
- Gestalt therapy
- Center for Empirical Research on Inclusive Education (ZEIF)
- Learning in unlock step