Intercultural Competence in the Classroom (IKiK) – An Opportunity for Promotion of Intercultural Competences of Prospective Teachers
A Serious of Courses of the Chair of Special Education V - Education for People with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders - and the GSiK-Office in Cooperation with Internal and External Partners
The Chair of Special Education V - Education for People with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders of the University of Würzburg under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Roland Stein has been organising a series of courses in cooperation with the Office for Global Systems and Intercultural Competence (GSiK) of the University of Würzburg for some semesters. These contents especially address to prospective teachers. At the same time, these courses can also be attended by students of all subject areas, which enables a wide range of perspectives on a topic and enriches lerning processes. There has been and will be access to the workshops for external interested persons, too; in particular teachers, who are teaching in the second phase of their training or already working as a teacher. For instance, we had the pleasure of welcoming members of the University of Passau in the past. By this open access both students of various subject areas can enrich the learning process by different perspectives on a topic area and interested parties of different phases of training can contribute to a discriminating view on diverse topics.
The workshops are free of charge for all interested parties. Students of the University of Würzburg can receive for each participation one GSiK-point for their GSiK-certificate (further information can be found: https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/gsik/certificates/.)
For organisational reasons, we ask all students of the University of Würzburg to register via Wuestudy.
Due to the Corona-situation all workshops are being held online via zoom at the moment.
More information about prospective courses can be found under the category 'Courses' and reports about past workshops in the category' 'Aktuelles' and 'Archiv'.
If you have any questions or suggestions with regard to the serious of courses, don`t hesitate to contact Miriam Lohrmann at miriam.lohrmann@uni-wuerzburg.de).
Prof. Dr. Roland Stein, Chair of Special Education V - Education for People with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders
e-mail: roland.stein@uni-wuerzburg.de
Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller, Chair of Special Education V - Education for People with Emotional and Behavioural Disorders
e-mail: thomas.mueller1@uni-wuerzburg.de